CBT Worksheets

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Worksheets

Overcoming Procrastination In High School

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Note: This worksheet is just a sample, it’s important to take into consideration the student’s needs and preferences when creating a personalized worksheet. It’s also important to seek guidance from a therapist or counselor for further support.

  1. Identify the task: Write down the specific task or assignment that you have been procrastinating on.
  2. Identify the thoughts and beliefs that contribute to procrastination: Write down any thoughts or beliefs that you have that contribute to your procrastination. For example, “I’ll do it later,” “I’m not in the mood,” “I don’t know where to start,” “It’s too hard,” “I’m not good at it.”
  3. Challenge negative thoughts and beliefs: For each thought or belief that you identified in step 2, write down a counterargument or evidence that contradicts it. For example, “I’ll do it later” can be challenged with “If I don’t do it now, it will only take longer and be more difficult later.”
  4. Identify the triggers: Write down the specific situations or circumstances that trigger your procrastination. For example, being at home, feeling overwhelmed, being on social media, etc.
  5. Develop a plan of action: Write down a step-by-step plan for how you will tackle the task you identified in step 1. Break the task down into smaller, manageable steps and set a deadline for each step.
  6. Implement the plan: Put your plan into action and stick to it.
  7. Reflect on your progress: At the end of each day, reflect on how well you followed your plan and what you can do differently next time to improve.
  8. Reward yourself: Give yourself a reward for completing each step of the task. This will help you to stay motivated and on track.

The resources, tools, and guidance provided on this website serve as supplementary aids and are not intended to replace professional care. If you suspect you may be experiencing mental health issues, it is crucial to consult with a licensed mental health professional. If you have any uncertainties regarding the suitability or proper implementation of these tools, we strongly recommend discussing your concerns with a qualified professional. Your well-being is of utmost importance.

Updated: October 6, 2023 — 4:40 am
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