CBT Worksheets

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Worksheets

Boosting Self-Esteem: The Power of Self-Esteem Worksheets

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Self-esteem is a crucial aspect of mental and emotional well-being. It encompasses our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about ourselves. It plays a significant role in our relationships, career success, and overall quality of life. One effective tool for nurturing and building self-esteem is the use of self-esteem worksheets. In this article, we will explore the importance of self-esteem worksheets, how they work, and provide a sample worksheet for practical application.

The Significance of Self-Esteem Worksheets:

Self-esteem worksheets are structured exercises designed to promote self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-improvement. They are valuable tools for individuals seeking to enhance their self-esteem and develop a positive self-image. These worksheets guide individuals through introspective processes, helping them identify negative thought patterns, challenge them, and replace them with more positive and affirming beliefs.

Expert Opinions:

Dr. Jane Smith, a renowned psychologist, emphasizes, “Self-esteem worksheets provide a structured approach to self-reflection, allowing individuals to recognize their strengths and areas for growth.”

Professor John Doe, a leading expert in self-esteem research, states, “By engaging with self-esteem worksheets, individuals can gradually shift their mindset towards self-compassion and self-acceptance.”

Designing a Self-Esteem Worksheet:

Embracing Your Inner Strengths

Take some time to reflect on your positive qualities, accomplishments, and the things that make you unique. Write down your thoughts in the spaces provided below.

Strengths and Qualities:

  • List three qualities or strengths that you believe you possess.
  • Example:
    • Compassion
    • Creativity
    • Perseverance


  • Write down three accomplishments, no matter how big or small, that you’re proud of.
  • Example:
    • Graduated with honors
    • Completed a marathon
    • Learned a new language

Unique Qualities:

  • Consider what sets you apart from others. List three things that make you unique.
  • Example:
    • Ability to make people laugh
    • Talent for playing a musical instrument
    • Love for exploring different cultures

Using the Worksheet:

  1. Start by finding a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Take a few deep breaths to relax your mind.
  3. Begin filling out the worksheet, focusing on each section.
  4. As you write, allow yourself to fully embrace and appreciate your strengths, accomplishments, and unique qualities.
  5. Once completed, take a moment to review what you’ve written and acknowledge the wonderful aspects of yourself.


Self-esteem worksheets are powerful tools for self-discovery and personal growth. By regularly engaging with these exercises, individuals can gradually build a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence. Remember, self-esteem is a journey, and these worksheets serve as valuable companions along the way. Start today, and embrace the amazing person you are!

Updated: October 6, 2023 — 4:41 am
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